Intellectual Property Assets of CMU

The former Intellectual Property Licensing Office (IPLO) now called Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IPTBM) has been active in filing Intellectual Properties (IPs) of the University since 2016.  As of  December 2022, IPTBM  had a total of 172 IP applications. The 172nd application was our first international patent application through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), which was submitted online through the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Office in Geneva, Switzerland.

The table below shows the distribution of the IP Assets of CMU. Fifty-nine percent of the IP applications had been granted with Certificates of Registration 

ip asset

Patent applications of IPTBM are still under prosecution.  However, we have 58 Utility Models that may be licensed and commercialized.  These UMs are related to food, animal health, cosmetics, dye, engineering, and mechanical devices.  Go ahead, browse our list.

Intellectual Properties